Vincent K. Tylor is back at it again like a dog with a bone. After the "sudden" dismissal of his prior lawsuit against Vermont Woods by VKT's seemingly non-incorporated, non-registered law firm Woolf, Gafni, & Fowler (WGF), ( VKT has filed suit against them again this time from Hawaii by a familiar name, J. Stephen Street, aka James Stephen Street. A new name Attorney Dane Kristofer Anderson of (no web page comes up for the not-so-great Dane.) is also listed on the complaint.
As a side comment, I am always perplexed by "professionals" who use their first initial but highlight and use their middle names. It seems these folks hate their first names and chose to half-ass abandon them by using a first-initial instead. Or more likely, as I have seen, it is aploy "positioning statement" to be "different" and sound "sexier". I suppose Stephen is a bit better than James (Jim, Jimmy, Jimbo, Jimmybob etc.)
In VKT's first lawsuit against Vermont Woods, VKT desperately tried to connect Vermont Woods to California so that the California court would have jurisdiction. WGF pathetically tried to assert that because the images were posted on Facebook & Typepad and that Facebook & Typepad were California corporations, thus California had jurisdiction.
Now, VKT has hire J-Steph/Jimbo and the Great Dane to be his "collection agents" in this case. This time around, the argument is that because Vermont Woods delivered furniture to Hawaii, suddenly Vermont Woods Studios has magically become "Hawaii Woods Studios". I am so sure that there are many VERMONT Woods Studios customers are suddenly in Hawaii... NOT.
In fact, VERMONT Woods has "so many" customers in Hawaii, they needed to WRITE a "news piece" about it. Anyone with any sort of business sense KNOWS that when a business goes out of their way to WRITE "news" about DELIVERING something outside their home base, it is an EXCEPTION and ANOMALY, not the norm. I do not know how much business Vermont Woods does outside of Vermont but my guess is that there cannot be that many customers that fall under "Alaska, Hawaii, or international" especially if they are in Vermont. My estimate is that most of the business Vermont Woods generates comes from the northeast U.S.
As far as I am concerned, just because a website SAYS they deliver a product nationwide or internationally does not mean they actually do any SIGNIFICANT business nationwide.
In any case, why are there TWO lawyers signed up to represent VKT?
This is what I see.
James Stephen Street (J-Steph or Jimbo, take your pick.) is an aging 65-year old lawyer presumably collecting Social Security. He left a big law firm he worked at for nearly 30 years. Presumably, he got tired of the daily grind at the big law firm as indicated by his statement on his artsy-fartsy, painting website.
It was with very mixed emotions that I came to the realization in 2007 that I have been painting in oils for 50 years, in the "spare time" I could borrow away, first from school, then from practicing law, raising a family, coaching.... that competed for my time. Certainly it is a milestone, but there is so much more painting I want to do before I am through.
My art has always been at the core of who I am and what I have longed to be doing. My desire to create in oils on canvas was born out of the only formal art training I had (at age
and has only intensified and become more urgent as the years pass....
Basically, J-Step/Jimbo is saying he pissed away half a century of his life doing everything else but what he really wanted. (Is that supposed to be inspirational and help sell his artsy-fartsy Hawaii paintings?) And he works for nearly 30 years at Rush Moore LLP where he finally decides he wants to do his own thing in 2010 and starts his own law practice at the "youthful" age of 61. This guy sounds like a real risk-taker to me. (Gee, let me wait 30 years until the "right time" before I go start my own business. Since I was too much of a coward when I was younger, I will wait to start my own business/law practice/hobby just a few years before I get to collect Social Security.)
And when he does finally gets the cajones at age 61 to finally go out on his own, what does J-Step/Jimbo do? He finds his way to Glen Carner of Hawaiian Art Network to start collecting 35%-40% commissions from extortion letter victims clients like VKT brings to him.
Now at the youthful age of 65, J-Steph/Jimbo has to be collecting Social Security by now. He is going to need it badly if the quality of his paintings are any indication of his "artistic success".
On the far end of the age spectrum, we have a young pup lawyer, Dane Kristofer Anderson whose Hawaii Bar records shows he uses a PO Box as his address. I guess that means his office is located in the section of Hawaii called "Mi Casa Es Su Casa". Coincidentally, I have the same address in GA except I am not a big-shot lawyer catering to clients. The Not-So-Great Dane graduated 4-years ago in 2010 at age 27, he is now the "seasoned" lawyer at 31.
It is pretty obvious that J-Steph/Jimbo is Dane's "big daddy" and likely "tutoring" Dane. BTW, how can a 31-year old lawyer have so little Internet presence? Even Mr. J-Steph Social Security has a website and a Linkedin page for gosh sakes.
So we have this Hawaii tag-team of J-Steph/Great Dane (the senior citizen and the legal puppy) working together to extort sue businesses worldwide.
It will be interesting to see how this case develops in the days to come.
As a side comment, I am always perplexed by "professionals" who use their first initial but highlight and use their middle names. It seems these folks hate their first names and chose to half-ass abandon them by using a first-initial instead. Or more likely, as I have seen, it is a
In VKT's first lawsuit against Vermont Woods, VKT desperately tried to connect Vermont Woods to California so that the California court would have jurisdiction. WGF pathetically tried to assert that because the images were posted on Facebook & Typepad and that Facebook & Typepad were California corporations, thus California had jurisdiction.
Now, VKT has hire J-Steph/Jimbo and the Great Dane to be his "collection agents" in this case. This time around, the argument is that because Vermont Woods delivered furniture to Hawaii, suddenly Vermont Woods Studios has magically become "Hawaii Woods Studios". I am so sure that there are many VERMONT Woods Studios customers are suddenly in Hawaii... NOT.
In fact, VERMONT Woods has "so many" customers in Hawaii, they needed to WRITE a "news piece" about it. Anyone with any sort of business sense KNOWS that when a business goes out of their way to WRITE "news" about DELIVERING something outside their home base, it is an EXCEPTION and ANOMALY, not the norm. I do not know how much business Vermont Woods does outside of Vermont but my guess is that there cannot be that many customers that fall under "Alaska, Hawaii, or international" especially if they are in Vermont. My estimate is that most of the business Vermont Woods generates comes from the northeast U.S.
As far as I am concerned, just because a website SAYS they deliver a product nationwide or internationally does not mean they actually do any SIGNIFICANT business nationwide.
In any case, why are there TWO lawyers signed up to represent VKT?
This is what I see.
James Stephen Street (J-Steph or Jimbo, take your pick.) is an aging 65-year old lawyer presumably collecting Social Security. He left a big law firm he worked at for nearly 30 years. Presumably, he got tired of the daily grind at the big law firm as indicated by his statement on his artsy-fartsy, painting website.
It was with very mixed emotions that I came to the realization in 2007 that I have been painting in oils for 50 years, in the "spare time" I could borrow away, first from school, then from practicing law, raising a family, coaching.... that competed for my time. Certainly it is a milestone, but there is so much more painting I want to do before I am through.
My art has always been at the core of who I am and what I have longed to be doing. My desire to create in oils on canvas was born out of the only formal art training I had (at age

Basically, J-Step/Jimbo is saying he pissed away half a century of his life doing everything else but what he really wanted. (Is that supposed to be inspirational and help sell his artsy-fartsy Hawaii paintings?) And he works for nearly 30 years at Rush Moore LLP where he finally decides he wants to do his own thing in 2010 and starts his own law practice at the "youthful" age of 61. This guy sounds like a real risk-taker to me. (Gee, let me wait 30 years until the "right time" before I go start my own business. Since I was too much of a coward when I was younger, I will wait to start my own business/law practice/hobby just a few years before I get to collect Social Security.)
And when he does finally gets the cajones at age 61 to finally go out on his own, what does J-Step/Jimbo do? He finds his way to Glen Carner of Hawaiian Art Network to start collecting 35%-40% commissions from extortion letter victims clients like VKT brings to him.
Now at the youthful age of 65, J-Steph/Jimbo has to be collecting Social Security by now. He is going to need it badly if the quality of his paintings are any indication of his "artistic success".
On the far end of the age spectrum, we have a young pup lawyer, Dane Kristofer Anderson whose Hawaii Bar records shows he uses a PO Box as his address. I guess that means his office is located in the section of Hawaii called "Mi Casa Es Su Casa". Coincidentally, I have the same address in GA except I am not a big-shot lawyer catering to clients. The Not-So-Great Dane graduated 4-years ago in 2010 at age 27, he is now the "seasoned" lawyer at 31.
It is pretty obvious that J-Steph/Jimbo is Dane's "big daddy" and likely "tutoring" Dane. BTW, how can a 31-year old lawyer have so little Internet presence? Even Mr. J-Steph Social Security has a website and a Linkedin page for gosh sakes.
So we have this Hawaii tag-team of J-Steph/Great Dane (the senior citizen and the legal puppy) working together to extort sue businesses worldwide.
It will be interesting to see how this case develops in the days to come.