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Author Topic: 99Club  (Read 5952 times)

Matthew Chan

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    • Defiantly 99Club
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:52:02 PM »
This stock photo website was referred to me by a client. She intrigued me when she stated the terms of membership was $99/year for 200 images.

Because she is a Getty letter victim, she is understandably going out of her way to NOT support any Getty-related businesses, if possible.

I have taken a peek and tried to do some light vetting of the website. However, I really can't tell if this website is "legitimate" or not. I question the legitimacy because $99/year is almost too cheap even if it is limited to 200 photos.  If it was limited to 100 photos, it would still be cheap to me.

So, go check it out and give feedback. I am not endorsing this website. I am simply passing along a lead.  I know very little about this website and how it works. She isn't using the website and can't vouch on who actually owns this website.

She seems to like though.
I'm a non-lawyer but not legally ignorant either. Under the 1st Amendment, I have the right to post facts & opinions using rhetorical hyperbole, colloquialisms, metaphors, parody, snark, or epithets. Under Section 230 of CDA, I'm only responsible for posts I write, not what others write.

Jerry Witt (mcfilms)

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Re: 99Club
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2015, 11:04:09 PM »
It's hard to tell WHO they are. The domain is registered to Idenio GmbH. They don't seem to be associated with any current image trolling companies. But they are located in Germany. Are they able to grant you the rights to use the images worldwide? I don't know.

On the other hand, is registered to Adobe Systems Incorporated, a US company. This is probably part of their stock photo acquisition. They are trying to tie image acquisition and management of rights with their creative cloud service.
Although I may be a super-genius, I am not a lawyer. So take my scribblings for what they are worth and get a real lawyer for real legal advice. But if you want media and design advice, please visit Motion City at


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