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Author Topic: Considering my life circumstances, I may just ignore them.  (Read 3433 times)


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Considering my life circumstances, I may just ignore them.
« on: June 25, 2013, 11:44:49 PM »
Hello, fellow Getty Images targets. I'm so sorry you also got wrapped up in this scheme. (((hugz)))

I've been ill most of the year with debilitating back pain and a stint in the hospital with diabetic ketoacidosis. I got my first letter back in January, but didn't know about it until about a month ago. I hadn't felt well enough to check my mail for many months. Getty Images' letter demanding more money than I have hasn't done my health any good.

I've received three letters (that I know of), each demanding more money than the last. The last one was sent to me by the McCormack fellow you all seem to love so much.  ;)

The alleged infringement involves the logo on my "business" website. The thing is, I have made exactly one sale all year and have been running solidly in the red each year my so-called "business" has been up and running. It's more of a hobby for me since I make no money at it. Since the inception of my "business", I doubt I've grossed as much money as Getty Images is demanding. Silly me. I wanted to do the right thing and pay sales taxes. :P Any of my merchandise that says "sold" next to it was most likely given to someone in the family. I did that to make my designs more desirable.

Regarding the image that allegedly infringes on copyright law, I didn't rub my hands together and say, "Muahahahaha! I'm going to steal this image." Getty's demand was quite a surprise to me.

My site is currently down until I can make some decisions. I'm re-designing my logo by removing the image they allege has been "stolen".

On top of the fact my "business" makes zero money, I am on disability.

My mother contacted her attorney and he said 1) it would cost Getty Images $500 to file suit in my home state of California and they weren't bloody likely to do so unless they could be certain of getting their money back. 2) They can't attach my disability payments and 3) they can't take any of my possessions. Suing me would put them in the hole as I have no money to pay their extortion demands.

Considering the above, why should I even bother contacting them? If they file suit, they will lose money unless someone waves a magic wand, heals me of all my illnesses and finds me a job that pays good money.

On a side note, I don't talk to many people, mostly because I'm sick a lot. One of the few people I have talked to this month ALSO got a letter from Getty Images. She blamed the guy who designed her website, but I told her about some of the experiences of people here whose "infringing" images existed in software for designing websites. *shakes head* This is nothing more than a shakedown and it seems to me a good chunk of the country has been sent one of these letters.

Why should Getty bother with me? If they do, they'll lose money. My health is such that ignoring them would probably be better for me.

Robert Krausankas (BuddhaPi)

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Re: Considering my life circumstances, I may just ignore them.
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2013, 07:07:00 AM »
Couple of things, firstly it would cost Getty 350.00 file not 500.00, and you are correct in assuming they would not file unless they saw a slam dunk. Your health while a bad thing could be used as a positive here, as you're pretty much judgement proof..IF they filed they wouldn't be able to collect, so a win would actually be a loss in the grand scheme of things. Also you seem to understand that your letter is among 1000's of others, making it unlikely they would pick your out of the stack to file suit on. Many people don't get this, they all think they are some kind of special and are the only ones in the cross-hairs. Given the amount of times Getty has sued over 1 images and the number of letter sent, the percentage is very low, you probably have better odds buying a scratch off lottery ticket!.. That being said only you can decide how to proceed and whether to ignore them or engage that total asshat attorney from Seattle Timothy B. McCormack.
Most questions have already been addressed in the forums, get yourself educated before making decisions.

Any advice is strictly that, and anything I may state is based on my opinions, and observations.
Robert Krausankas

I have a few friends around here..


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Re: Considering my life circumstances, I may just ignore them.
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2013, 05:27:01 PM »
Thanks so much for your kind reply. :) I think I'll ignore them. If Mr. McCormack wants to come after me, it will cost Getty Images money.

I am an artist. After this experience, I'm considering releasing my artwork for use by others. Getty Images isn't giving any of their extortion money to artists and photographers, are they? Maybe it will be my gift to the Internet and a positive way to counter the greed of corporations like Getty. 

Again: thanks for your input. Now I'm going ignore Getty and put my efforts into getting better. :)

Oscar Michelen

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Re: Considering my life circumstances, I may just ignore them.
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2013, 02:06:59 PM »
I agree with Robert that is is highly unlikely they will pursue you  in court.  Do not communicate with them any further.


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