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Author Topic: NCS Recovery using the name NCS IP Solutions?  (Read 18024 times)


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Re: NCS Recovery using the name NCS IP Solutions?
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2012, 10:34:03 AM »
I believe that would be true, if it were a debt.  But remember, this is a claim, not a debt.  It only becomes a debt if you are sued and held liable by the courts.  If I am wrong, someone here will correct me.

Oscar Michelen

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Re: NCS Recovery using the name NCS IP Solutions?
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2012, 11:49:26 AM »
Yes, FDCPA does apply to individuals, but these digital image companies and their agents always indicate that the actual owners will be sued as well.  (See the complaint in the recently filed Chaga lawsuit) Also, claims cannot hurt a company's credit report or rating any more than it can hurt an individual's - it is not a debt.


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Re: NCS Recovery using the name NCS IP Solutions?
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2012, 04:02:49 PM »
I have received the same type of letter from NCS IP Solutions from a Pat Russo a "Recovery Specialist"


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