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Getty Images Letter Forum / Re: Putting My Money Where My Mouth Is
« on: August 02, 2014, 10:25:34 AM »
 A wave of psychobabble by the uniformed? "I suspect that Getty will re-launch  another wave at some point this year." Stated by Oscar Michelin earlier this week in regard to the question of the status of single image lawsuits. There will be another "wave" Oscar's words not mine, because they were successful. None fought back and Getty got their money.The numbers some are concerned about are how many of those that receive letters and subsequently are sued are incorporated small businesses. I think the percentage/risk of being sued would be higher if you broke that down, that is more of the point. Also we should discuss the strategy of where they are suing. Why were most suits filed in the 11th circuit? So far it is batting 100 for small incorporated businesses being sued for single images. None of Oscar's clients fought this (innocent or not)- they all settled and presumably for more than they were initially approached for in initial letters, as at a minimum they now had to also pay his fees. So I think it reasonable to discuss the strategy of this particular new extortion of suing incorporated small businesses because Getty knows they cannot represent themselves in court and when it will be cheaper to settle with them from the get go ie the first letter that asks the least amount - right or wrong.

Getty Images Letter Forum / Re: Letter Re Single Image RM Model Photo
« on: August 10, 2013, 01:34:20 PM »
I did spend hours going through this site, but most of the single photo demand letters discussed seemed to be perhaps concerning allegely "less unique" ie they could be bought on Getty AND elsewhere for $20 etc , were allover the net, and didn't contain people in them etc That's why I am asking in regard to these particular circumstances.

Getty Images Letter Forum / Letter Re Single Image RM Model Photo
« on: August 10, 2013, 12:39:37 PM »
Has anyone had experience with getting a Getty Images demand letter re one photo on your small business website that has people in it and states RM (rights managed) and model release image? The minimum cost to use it per their site is $480 even for only one month and not sure how long it has been on the website in question prior to removal ( removed immediately after the letter). The threat/demand was in the $800 range.  The photo was a small image on the second page of the website shown one time. The business has nothing to do with reselling the image (it's a travel/tourism biz)
A google search did not reveal the image to be anywhere other than on the Getty site at this time.
What are the odds of them suing over this type of single image?
Would Oscar's letter alone without further costs be effective in preventing a lawsuit?

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