Getty Images Letter Forum / Oscar Michelen: Court Calls Out “Copyright Troll”, Fines Him $10K/Frivolous Suit
« on: March 14, 2018, 04:47:59 PM »
ELI's Oscar Michelen writes about "copyright infringement troll attorney Richard Liebowitz" and his frivolous lawsuit. Judge Cote called out Liebowitz as a "copyright troll" due to his filing 500 image infringement lawsuits in the last 2 years in New York.
It is safe to say that copyright extortionist, Liebowtiz is the most prolific and abusive "lawsuiter" in ELI's history of covering photo image infringements.
It is safe to say that copyright extortionist, Liebowtiz is the most prolific and abusive "lawsuiter" in ELI's history of covering photo image infringements.