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Author Topic: "Single Trail of Emails to One Letter Recipient" Comments  (Read 7402 times)


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"Single Trail of Emails to One Letter Recipient" Comments
« on: February 26, 2009, 05:49:50 PM »
The "Single Trail of Emails to One Letter Recipient" on the right side of this new page you just added   reads like a Nigerian 419 scam.   Thanks for posting those emails....  

You better settle with me or I'll sue you with my new contingency lawyers.  You better settle with me or I'll sue you with my new contingency lawyers.  You better settle with me or I'll sue you with my new contingency lawyers.  You better settle with me or I'll sue you with my new contingency lawyers.  You better settle with me or I'll sue you with my new contingency lawyers.  You better settle with me or I'll sue you with my new contingency lawyers.  You better settle with me or I'll sue you with my new contingency lawyers.  You better settle with me or I'll sue you with my new contingency lawyers...

... For 5 months!  Wow.  Those are some great new lawyers.  


digitizerof embroidery

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Re: My Comments on the George Riddick/ImageLine Controversy
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2009, 04:07:13 PM »
I to was sent a letter form Mr. Riddick (sounds like the movie huh?) at least he was something!

Anyways, I received this letter, stating I had used his companies graphics when we ONLY purchase cd's of graphics from reputable business's, etc. Has any of his work been taken by these companies?

And just because a few of the THOUSANDS of embroidery designs we have on our website "LOOK" like his where does he come off? you CANNOT copyright an IDEA of a drawing! and if he thinks my USA flag look slike his, he can go the heck! mine is 1000% times better then anything he has EVER drawn, and I looked at his website, the graphics there are awefull.

I talked to our attorney tonight, (our neighbor at that too) and he laughed. He told me if Riddick wants to go to court, then let him start the filings, he told me if he can get blood out of turnips, then he can try.

I told Riddick he could TRY to get the last .69 cents in our bank account, but that it would cost him THOUSANDS to get it through the legal process. WOW!!! if he think s he is going to get money from digitizers he has sure picked the wrong group of people to sue, NO digitizer has ANY money right now, and hasn't for over a year now.

Mr. Riddick, go ahead, sue me, TRY to get money, NONE of my designs are crappy like your clipart!


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