I like your thinking 

Perhaps an alternative.
Questionable current statistics indicate there are approximately 30,000,000 bloggers in the U.S. Let's presume one-third are "serious" bloggers, this brings us to 10,000,000. Of these serious bloggers, let's presume 10% actually care about their rights, this brings us to 1,000,000.
What would happen if someone started a group of United States Bloggers United by Dollars, i.e. USBUD. Cool, now we have a group. What would happen if USBUD initiated a "pre-legal" program wherein members contribute $100 to a savings account, and that such contribution would be held in the account, overseen by a legal authority. Interestingly, this brings us to a total of $10,000,000.
What would happen if the mission of USBUD was to use that $10,000,000 to do one of two things?
1. Hire lobbyists to go to Capital Hill exercising the Malcolm X approach of making noise until people listen; or
2. Use the $10,000,000 to delver 1-5 really, really, really good legal battles to Getty/Piscout.
Americans have more power than they can imagine. Their problem is they're mostly living in a post-traumatic stress society of learned helplessness.
When you have a giant who goes around bullying millions of little people, it's time for the little people to band in numbers to create their own giant. Personally, I'd be happy to contribute $100 to such a cause.
Make arrangements that, if no lobbying or legal battle against the giant takes place, then everyone can get their $100 back, with about $1 in interest. Actually, this works to give us a niftier name, the Giant 101 Equalizer Group.
When you put together that much money for a cause, it's like "locking and loading." You don't have to fire - you simply have to show your teeth.
In terms of legal battles, I know $10M isn't too much. I would live to see $100M, then everything would boil down to a simple question. Would the giant like to spend $100M across multiple fronts?
This is a matter of tactics, and when people think about tactics long enough, they eventually come up with a very good plan.
Food for thought.