I need assistance in finding an attorney that can help with judicial abuse of discretion where by a judge ignores case law in the Chan v. Ellis case and is attempting to issue a PPO for internet criticism of an employee of the CEO of a global retailer.
Effectively the judge says this employee can make statements that include racial pejoratives but no one can criticize this person publicly for making statements.
Please email/message me with any suggested attorneys or the attorneys used in Chan v. Ellis.
I need assistance in finding an attorney that can help with judicial abuse of discretion where by a judge ignores case law in the Chan v. Ellis case and is attempting to issue a PPO for internet criticism of an employee of the CEO of a global retailer.
Effectively the judge says this employee can make statements that include racial pejoratives but no one can criticize this person publicly for making statements.
Please email/message me with any suggested attorneys or the attorneys used in Chan v. Ellis.