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Topics - Robert Krausankas (BuddhaPi)

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from the Higbee & Associates yelp profile:

Our speciality is offering low prices and outstanding service and results on a wide-range of legal issues, including bankruptcy, immigration and criminal record expungement.    We have 13 amazing attorneys and 60 dedicated staff members who are all eager to help you.   Our prices are typically 30% below what most Orange County law firms charge.

He doesn't even mention copyright in his services, yet he wants people to think he's this bad ass copyright attorney, when he clearly is not educated in said field..trying to extract money for an image that is not only linked, but one that would most likely be considered fair use.. so the question now becomes, how long before the yelp profile is changed to included copyright infringement...what a money hungry greedy a- hole this guy is..

Anybody want to throw a few bucks into a pool, on a dat the profile gets changed?? I say within a week..

A brief history of what started all this.  I was made aware of a company called Adlife Marketing sending out settlement demand letters for $8,000 for the use of a single image.  While the amounts are, in my opinion, outrageous what makes it worse is Adlife Marketing has removed their images from, and is the process of removing them from Creative I have found several instances where the people at Adlife are threatening with these letters and legal actions actually have a valid license.  When Adlife Marketings images were removed from iStock the proof of purchase disappeared from their account page leaving them without a receipt which Adlife demands.  I have been reporting on this and have had comments added by people who have received Adlifes letters supporting what I have found.

After widely reporting on Adlife Marketing and Communications, owner and CEO Joel Albrizio called and threatened me via telephone on October 20, 2016.  During the brief but heated conversation he stated “You are a sick bastard!”, “I am going to destroy you!”, “Your life will be ruined!” and “You have no idea what’s coming!”  Then on December 22, 2016 an “anonymous” blog called Voices of Jupiter (VOJF) appeared, my name  was registered and a new Facebook account under the name Jessica Langston was created. It is “Jessica Langston” who sent an email to me notifying me of the VOJF site and sending emails which I will discuss below to my clients, my wife’s work associates and the Board Members of my daughter’s volleyball league. The VOJF blog is attempting to silence me and shut CRT down by using tactics to shame me, my family, my business associates, and others that I am associated with.  Below are two links, the first is where I reported on the threats and the second is where my sites legal advisor sent a letter to Joel in response to his threats and claims.

It is my suspicion that Adlife president Joel Albrizio or someone in the Adlife camp along with Linda Ellis are directly involved in the slanderous shameful blog, even though the purported purpose of the blog is to make Jupiter Florida a better community. There is no other information regarding Jupiter or the issues it faces except for entries pertaining to me and my reporting on

Look at the decide.

I have in my possession an email (see below) that a client received in which the IP address links directly back to Pawtucket, Rhode Island which is where Adlife Marketing    is located.
Compare the writing style of Voices of Jupiter, vs the writing style of Joel and you will the styles are nearly identical. Example: both sites blog post use the phrase “In Closing”.
I have in my possession an email which states the author “Jessica Langston” of the email is using “another name”
The timeline is simply too coincidental to be any other source. The anonymous Jessica Langston FB page appeared on the same date as the new domain (Robert was registered along with the VOJF blog appearing that same day. This just happened to be the day after I reported on the porn trolls being indicted on criminal charges in an article called “Porn Lawyers Indicted on Criminal Charges…..Joel Albrizio should take note."
As the new posts have been made, it has been made perfectly clear that the purpose of the blog has nothing to do with Jupiter, but everything to do with shutting down copyright-trolls, in an attempt to scrub any references to Adlife Marketing.
Looking at the comments, one can see they are mostly faked, as they are all anonymous, and as any internet savvy person knows, commenters very rarely if ever comment on a single item, and disappear. If this blog was legit and legit users were reading it, I bet my bottom dollar that users would comment on multiple posts as with most blog sites...again you decide.
This “anonymous” blogger repeatedly says that I am guilty of “copyright infringement”, “pornography”, “gay bashing” and the “demeaning of women”.  While many of my posts may use strong language and sometimes graphic images as attention getters, none of the accusations are true and are 100% unfounded. To further that, this blog is clearly not intended for younger audiences, as it mainly discusses copyright issues and legal matters.

For someone to stoop to these levels is beyond reproach and speaks directly of how desperate the author is to save face by attempting to “ruin and destroy” me and my family.

Addressing The Accusations

I will now simply address each accusation to show just how ridiculous these posts are, and to show the true evil that lurks behind it, doing it anonymously.

How I don’t bash gays.

One of the VOJF posts takes a tweet I made over three years ago saying “I’m sure the gay members of your congregation are proud of you now” directed at the Pastor and of a Georgia church who made national news when they decided that the boy scouts were no longer allowed to meet in their church.  The reason they made this decision was the Boy Scouts of America decided to change their policy and allow gays.  My tweet if taken in context is clearly supporting gay rights.  You may read the original story here.

Another post refers to a “Butthurt” meme, which is clearly not sexually related in any way. Any normal person would know this is simply internet slang, and only a twisted individual, would turn it into something sexual.

From Urban Dictionary: butthurt

Getting your feelings hurt, being offended or getting all bent out of shape because of something petty or stupid.

Demeaning of Women

I have previously used images of Poet Linda Ellis, which have been transformed into trollish images, a horse’s ass, and an image of her likeness going down a toilet. Linda Ellis is a widely known copyright troll who demands $7,500 from people who share her poem, and those images portray just that, there are hardly any other references to women on copyright trolls, except for maybe a few other trolls which get reported on from time to time. Linda Ellis can thank this anonymous blogs’ author for bringing her back to the forefront.

Let me also point out a recent post states that I have the likeness of Linda Ellis going down the toilet was an image of my daughter on the toilet with Ellis’ head superimposed on it.  ABSURD!  First and foremost I would NEVER enter the restroom while my daughter was using it, much less snap an image, what kind of warped mind would even think to say something as this. The original image came from an existing internet meme, and the image itself was used to show that the Linda Ellis extortion scheme was going down the toilet...You decide.

The Use of the “C” word

Lately the blog author has been harping on my use of the “C” word in a video, please have a look at this video, and notice these things.

This video is NOT hosted on my channel, nor has it ever been, it’s actually hosted on Linda Ellis’s own channel
This video was copied / uploaded to Ellis’s channel Dec. 23, 2016, while the original video was shot long before this.
Please show me where I say the “C” Word
Also notice that the “C” word used is actually “CRUNT”
I made one singular post with the word spelled as an acronym titled “Can’t Understand Normal Thinking” in regards to Linda Ellis an obvious play on words.

The use of Pornography

Yes there are some graphic images, such as the “Golden Dick Award”, while crude it would not be considered porn by any means, same goes for the “Porn Troll” image which is a cartoonish image, and was used to illustrate the nastiness of the porn trolls, it’s as simple as that. Yet the author of VOJF insists on twisting it to fit his/her needs to stifle my right to free speech and to shut copyright-trolls down.

I could go on ad nauseam dispelling every single post, but I’ll let the readers come to their own conclusions, as to how low this blogs author has gone to disparage me and my family.

In regards to contacting my clients and organizations I am associated with.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank each and every client and others I am associated with for their support and ability to see the VOJF blog for what it is, an attempt to smear and ruin my reputation and the removal of

Needlessly naming my children, wife, her place of business and associates that have no involvement will only continue to bolster my case, and embarrass the author of VOJF, as they have all seen through the smoke and mirrors.

Is your child safe with me?

Accusations and innuendos have been made on the blog about videotaping I do at my daughters volleyball games and children’s safety.  These accusations are 100% completely unfounded, borderline defamatory and possibly the lowest form of revenge, plain and simple. Anyone that knows me, knows how I care for these kids as if they were my own. Having been happily married ONCE for over 20 yrs, should say something of my character and family values.                                                         

A common sense question

If in fact I was this “horrible person” would someone such as Oscar Michelen, a well known, well respected NY Attorney, continue to be associated with me? Would he approve of having his image and bio on….I think not.

“In Closing”

Let me be clear, I will not be bullied, harassed or forced to shut down I have NOT broken any laws, infringed any copyright, bashed gays, or demeaned women. What I have done is exposed copyright trolls for what they are, and for what they do, in doing so I have educated victims of their threatening ways. If the author(s) of VOJF wish to continue on the self destructive path they have chosen, that is solely their choice.


Email containing Rhode Island IP address:

From: Jessica Langston <[email protected]>
Date: December 27, 2016 at 3:08:18 PM EST
To: <>
Subject: Contact: Quote
Reply-To: <[email protected]>
To: Webmaster
First Name: Jessica
Last Name: Langston
Company Name: J.L. Inc.
Business Phone:
Email: [email protected]

Hello, my name is Jessica and I am new to the Jupiter area and in researching different interests/activities for my family I came across your website and was interested in speaking with you. I have background in web design and loved your web page so I checked out your web designer....Web Design of Palm Beach. I have to say I was shocked at what I found! I am sure you have no idea who you have done business with (I am attaching a link for you to view). I can not do business with anyone that does business with this horrific Robert Krausankas person. If, at any time, you decide to move your business elsewhere please let me know and I would be interested in giving you my business. I think it is important to help small local businesses grow. I hope this is not a reflection of what Jupiter is really all about.

https://www.voicesofjupiterflorida.  com/blog/2016/12/22/what-is-voices-of-jupiter-florida-this-blog-is-about-a-better-jupiter

Sent from (ip address):
Date/Time: December 27, 2016 8:08 pm
Coming from (referer):
Using (user agent): Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_0)
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.95


Getty Images Letter Forum / Getty images Gets sued...again
« on: May 12, 2015, 05:04:41 PM »
For copyright infringement! Imagine that, I hope those fucktards lose their asses again!

Legal Controversies Forum / Prenda Laws Paul Hansmeier has a new scam!
« on: April 14, 2015, 12:27:35 PM »
There is always a troll going after something.

Oscar wrote about ADA trolling abuse issue in 2012:

Well, it appears that ex-porn troll that worked for Prenda, Paul Hansmeier is now going after businesses using the ADA Act toting around physically handicapped people and making them "clients" who were "inconvenienced" by businesses that didn't make accommodations for physically handicapped.

Lawsuits and extortion letters galore are slapped and businesses are then asked to pay several thousands of dollars to make it go away.  Sound familiar?

So ADA Trolling is apparently a growing new thing now.  Amazing.

Legal Controversies Forum / The many faces behind Sanders Law P.L.L.C
« on: December 03, 2014, 05:56:41 PM »
If one looks at the Sanders law firm site, they will notice a nice long list of "attorneys" all without bios or headshots, so I'm doing my public service for the day and giving everyone a look at the many faces of Sanders Law P.L.L.C, which is headed up by copyright troll Craig B. Sanders. Oddly enough I still have not been able to locate an image of him....yeah he's that elusive..or cowardly you decide.

is still making a good salary acting as a troll for celebrity images, just had a visitor that "settled" for 1500.00...the party continues!

Getty Images Letter Forum / U.S. Copyright Office casual reading
« on: August 22, 2014, 12:29:16 PM »
For that want some casual reading this weekend, the U.S. Copyright Office released it's updated 1,222 page "Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition” yesterday.

Getty Images Letter Forum / "it was an honest mistake" says Getty Images
« on: November 23, 2013, 06:54:11 AM »
Nice to see the tables turned on these douche-nozzles

Getty Images Letter Forum / 20 questions interview
« on: October 05, 2013, 08:30:27 AM »
I will be conducting a 20 question/answer interview with Matthew Chan to be hosted on I would like to include the ELI community to take part in this.. If you have a burning question for Matthew simply email your questions ( do not post them here ) to admin(at)

Please keep in mind there are some questions that will be off limits, given the ongoing appeal..Questions do not need to be copyright or ELI related, they can be wide ranging. If you would like to stay anonymous, please make this be known in your email and I will honor your request.

If this works out , there may be other question/answer interviews with others.

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